Ways to Give

The Wikimedia Endowment (Tax ID 87-3024488) is our enduring commitment to a world of freely-shared knowledge, now and in perpetuity. As a fund that is invested for long-term growth, it creates a solid financial foundation for Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects and helps ensure their future.

Email endowment@wikimedia.org if you have questions about your preferred giving option.

Online Donations

Your gift to the Wikimedia Endowment will have a lasting benefit for future generations. You can make a gift today via our online donation form.

Check Donations

Checks are processed at our lockbox, located at: 

Wikimedia Endowment
P.O. Box 96887
Washington, DC 20090-6887

Make your check payable to “Wikimedia Endowment”.

Donor Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds (DAFs) allow you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your preferred causes. If you’d like to recommend a grant to the Wikimedia Endowment directly from your DAF you can do so quickly and easily through our partner Overflow, please just follow the link below:

DAF gift to the Wikimedia Endowment

Please contact us at endowment@wikimedia.org if you have questions or if your DAF of choice is not listed.

Stock Donations

Donating stock is one of the most tax-efficient ways to give and allows you to impact our mission while saving money on your taxes. Through our partner Overflow, it’s now easier and more secure to make a stock donation than ever. For more information or to donate stock please follow the link below.

Stock donation to the Wikimedia Endowment

When we receive notice that the stock has been received, we will generate an acknowledgment letter that includes the number of shares, stock name, and the date the stock was received. If you have any questions or need any support please contact us at endowment@wikimedia.org

ACH or Wire Transfer

When donating via ACH or wire transfer, email your name, address, phone, gift details and expected arrival date to endowment@wikimedia.org so we can issue a tax receipt. We also recommend retaining your transfer confirmation from your bank.

For domestic and international transfers in USD, our deposit-only account is:

Bank: Citibank N.A.
Address: 99 Post Street, San Francisco, CA 94104
Routing Number: 321171184
Swift Code: CITIUS33
Account Number: 208404525

International Wire Instructions
Account Number: 208404525
Citibank NY Routing: 021000089
Citibank Swift Code: CITIUS33
For Further Credit: 321171184

The individual marketplace routing number 321171184 can be put in the special instructions field.

IRA Charitable Rollovers

If you are a US taxpayer aged 70.5 or older and have an Individual Retirement Account (IRA), you are eligible to make a gift via an IRA Charitable Rollover, also known as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). In order to benefit from the tax advantages of satisfying all or some of your required minimum distribution through an IRA Charitable Rollover, the gift must be issued directly from your IRA custodian. Learn more here

The Wikimedia Foundation directs all IRA gifts to the Wikimedia Endowment, where they are invested to ensure the long-term future of Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. For more information, contact legacy@wikimedia.org.

Charitable Gift Annuities

For US donors who are 55 or older, a charitable gift annuity (CGA) can provide you and/or your loved ones with an income for life or for a specific number of years. In addition to an immediate income tax deduction, you will enjoy the satisfaction of knowing your gift will help Wikimedia endure for generations to come. Gift annuities with Wikimedia are offered through the National Gift Annuity Foundation. Contact legacy@wikimedia.org to learn more.

Legacy Gifts

You can support the future of free knowledge for generations to come by making a gift in your will or other estate plans. A legacy gift costs you nothing now and can be changed at any time, for any reason. Once realized, your gift will be added to the Wikimedia Endowment, where your legacy will live on by providing support to Wikimedia projects in perpetuity.

Legacy gifts are exempt from U.S. federal estate taxes. Make a legacy gift online at no cost using FreeWill (in the U.S.) or by including the following sample language in your will:

I give, devise, and bequeath [the sum of _____ USD (or other currency) OR _____ percent of the rest and residue of my estate] to the Wikimedia Endowment (tax identification number 87-3024488), a charitable corporation currently located at One Sansome Street, Suite 1895, San Francisco, California, 94104, United States, to be used for its general charitable purposes at its discretion.

For those in the United Kingdom

1. Gift to charity

1.1   I give the sum of £[____] to the Wikimedia Endowment, a charitable corporation currently located at 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California, United States, to be used for its general charitable purposes at its discretion. I declare that the receipt in writing of the [treasurer] or of any other appropriate officer of that charity shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.

1.2   If, at my death, the charity named in clause 1.1 (“Original Charity”) no longer exists or is being wound up, my Executors must:

(a)    if the Original Charity has merged, or is about to merge, with another charity (“Recipient Charity”) and the merger, when completed, is registered in the official register of mergers maintained by the Charity Commission, pay the Recipient Charity the amount specified in clause 1.1 as being payable to the Original Charity; or

(b)   if clause 1.2(a) does not apply, pay the amount specified in clause 1.1 as being payable to the Original Charity to another charity that has objects similar to the Original Charity.

For those in Canada

Gift of Specific Sum
I direct my Trustees to pay the sum of $___ to [Wikimedia Endowment (tax identification number 87-3024488), a charitable corporation currently located at 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California, United States, to be used for [its general purposes/a specified purpose].

Gift from Residue
I direct my Trustees to pay ___ [all OR a percent] of the residue of my Estate to [Wikimedia Endowment (tax identification number 87-3024488), a charitable corporation currently located at 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California, United States] to be used for [its general purposes/a specified purpose].

Upon my Trustees making such payment to [Wikimedia], a receipt from the Treasurer or such other property officer of the organization shall be a sufficient discharge to my Trustees.

Addressing the possibility that the relevant Wikimedia charity may cease to exist
In the event that [Wikimedia Endowment (tax identification number 87-3024488), a charitable corporation currently located at 1 Montgomery Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco, California, United States] (“The Original Organization”) has ceased to exist, merged with another organization, or changed its name or location, I direct my Trustees to apply the amount that would have been payable to The Original Organization to an organization that is the continuation of or successor to The Original Organization if such exists. If no organization that is the continuation of or successor of The Original Organization exists, I direct my Trustees to apply the amount that would have been payable to The Original Organization to another charitable organization with objects most clearly resembling those of The Original Organization, as determined in the sole discretion of my Trustees.

For more information about legacy giving, contact legacy@wikimedia.org.